Saturday 30 November 2013

Rework from a Tony Diterlizzi Original

I have posted a few of my sketches recently of a Tony Diterlizzi original, and here is another that I thought I would share.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Cheech and Chong

Last week, I was again trying to figure out what my subject would be for my morning sketch session. Here is a condensed version of my thought process; What should I draw? I know, this month is Movember, I'll draw a dude with a huge moustache. Hey, Cheech has a big moustache. I'll draw Cheech, and while I'm at it, I might as well draw Chong too.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Rock Star

Not knowing what to sketch the other day, I decided to pull out a Guitar Magazine I had laying about, and while thumbing through the mag, I came upon a photo of Edward Van Halen, and decided his pic would be my subject for the session. Even though this sketch was taken from a picture of Eddie, it could be of any rock star.